March 27, 2008

A concentrated form of thought

"I write to find out how much I know. The act of writing for me is a concentrated form of thought." - Don Delillo

"When it comes to writers being obsessed, I have one notion. Obsession as a state seems so close to the natural condition of a novelist at work on a book, that there may be nothing else to say about it." -DeLillo, from the 1979 interview with Tom LeClair.

"The question is the story itself, and whether or not it means something is not for the story to tell." - Paul Auster in The New York Trilogy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you, I finally have a title for my blog:

Now if only I could start writing!

PS: I came here via India Uncut and I must say, I love it.. It tackles exactly the same sort of things I love reading about.. Have been visiting it everyday for the past 2 weeks, having a ball, when I come upon this topper of a quote! Thanks again.

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